Mount Airy Bicycle Company
Special Weather Announcement:
If weather looks unsafe and/or less than favorable for bicycles, please try calling or emailing before visiting. use
If there’s anything you need and cannot visit, we can usually get things out UPS or US Mail same day, meaning you’ll have it the following day. We can also pick up and deliver bicycles locally.
Generally if Carroll or Frederick Schools or Government is delayed, closes early, or called off, we follow.
We apologize for any inconvenience due to closure.
Our favorite read since 2011’s “Just Ride” by the same author.( out of print but we have them available)
Note from the Author
It’s about 177 sentences about bicycles and riding, stuff you may know or might not know, may believe or might not. It’s not a Rule Book, not a Holy Book. I believe them all, they’re all true for me/Grant, and some may be true for you or worth experimenting with, and who knows what else?
My old publisher didn’t want this, so I found a printer and self-published.
It’s a really well-made book. It has nice end papers, excellent paper, tightly stitched signatures so the pages won’t fall out when the book gets old and is on its second or even third generation of readers. It’s a 7 1/4-inch square, rock-solid hardback.
I wrote it, Betsy Streeter illustrated it. We got 2,500 in, and $10 from every book (all my royalty + Riv profit) goes to Isabel G., a single mom of three in the Bronx who can use the loot. Riv already sends Isabel a little here and there, has for a couple of years now, but here’s a chance for us to really blow her away. She doesn’t know it’s happening. We correspond in Spanish, translations by our own Sergio.

Our Staff Can Assist You!
Наши сотрудники могут Вам помочь!
¡Nuestro personal puede ayudarle!
We have employees that speak Spanish, Russian, and ASL – American Sign Language
У нас есть сотрудники, говорящие на испанском, русском, и ASL (американском языке жестов).
Contamos con empleados que hablan Español, Ruso, y ASL – Lengua de Señas Americana.

Urtopia E-Bike
The bike with a mind
Learn more about Urtopia’s E-Bike design with it’s sleek, intelligent, and forward-thinking, Urtopia’s core essence extends beyond mere aesthetics, seamlessly integrating state-of- the-art technologies.
Flat Pedal Versus Clipless Pedal Power Test– It’s Probably Not What You Think
The clipless-versus-flat pedal debate has raged for years, but the power-output difference has never been measured, until now.

Class Is In Session!
Hey Kids, Parents, and Guardians of all ages. Want to learn to ride a bike? Don’t Wait! for over 55 years master professor of wheels Larry Black has taught hundreds and hundreds. Ages three to 63.
Forget those ineffective and potentially dangerous Training Wheels and ‘I will ride’ programs that use them. Though it costs us lost sales by the day, we don’t sell training wheels. While Training Wheels might be good for a day or two just to help the rider learn fore and aft pedalling and braking (for bikes with foot brakes) after that, every day on training wheels can requireOtwo days to get off them.
For adaptive, special needs, differently abled, and those who have early- or late-onset balance issues we offer a huge selection of three wheel trikes for ages 2 through senior. We recently delivered a three wheeler to an independent living facility in Virginia – to the founder of the home. We helped him load it into his pick up truck, which he drove with his wife to Ocean City to celebrate his 98th birthday.
Please email or call to schedule your first lesson.
Price depends upon number of lessons needed – usually one is all it takes, as long as student and accompanist bring along good weather and a ‘Can Do attitude” Usually $50-$100. LESSON FEES WAIVED WITH BIKE PURCHASE
Our long time tradition is upon learning to ride, we all celebrate at Jimmy Cone.

New Gocycle Summer Lifestyle Film Now Available For Your Marketing
The world deserved a better bike. Gocycle designed it. Hot off the press our newest brand film showcases the incredible versatility of the award-winning Gocycle. Riding to work? Meeting friends? Collecting groceries? Gocycle is there for you.

A Message from Mt Airy Bicycle
Why don’t more stores carry these pedals? For several years we have provided more Catalyst pedals than any shop on Earth. Because we are strong believers, we are willing to give up the high profits that come from small pedals and special shoes that are required. We and hundreds of our customers have partaken in the drinking of the new variety of Kool Ade. We not only use them for mountain biking, but on our Road, Recumbent, Tandem, Commuter, Urban, and city bikes as well. The only decision most have to make is “which of the 5 colors would you like?”

From Toddler To Pro – We Have The Right Bike For You
Dear Customers,
As restrictions ease, we are coming back to ‘normal’ Due to the annual surge of service requests in the high season, we are implementing triage protocol in order to keep as many people on the road as possible.
Because parts supplies are still backed up from weeks to months, some items are on ration status. If something is ‘wearing out’ or you’re looking to bling your bike, we suggest waiting .
As time and supplies become more available, prices will start to come down a little like they usually do in the off season, the best time for cosmetic and elective surgeries.
Unlike most places with backlogs up to a month, we are still doing almost every job same day, Monday through Friday.
Before visiting here are some suggestions for better and lower cost service:
1. Place your name and contact info on the bike.
2. Air your tires. Over 80% of the bikes that come in with ‘flat’ tires only need to be pumped. Air seeps out weekly.
3. Wipe your bike with soap and water
4. Remove your accessories like bags, pumps, bottles, and things not bolted on
Email for fast answers 24/7
Test Rides & Repairs: Because we have a smaller, focused professional staff and a smaller space than many shops, we suggest emailing or calling before visiting to test ride, especially in the off season, inclement weather, or for trikes, tandems, recumbent, and used bikes.Test rides should be completed at least 60 minutes before closing. Please arrive early enough to allow ample time for your test ride. Call or email if you need any special attention with late arrival.
Now in stock for a limited time only SE Bikes
NOTE to Everyone:
Due to the current worldwide bike shortages, most stores are ‘out of bikes’.
Every few minutes the phone rings and people ask for a ‘specific’ New bike model.
Not happening. We say the dreamers are thinking August, routine optimists say September,
but insiders are thinking Thanksgiving-ish.
How short?
‘Craigslist ran out of bikes” said a caller, “I’m knocking on neighbors’ doors” said another.
We have thousands of bikes!
Thanks to a 45-year hoarding disorder. While you may not be able to get
as picky and choosy, you’ll be riding this summer. Really nice bikes, mostly USA from the heydays
just after the last shortage of the 70’s up till the current days. Going for the SAME prices as decades ago,
just adjusted for inflation, all fully guaranteed and including our legendary follow up service.
Do you Have a Bike?
Maybe one of those from the barn with manure on the tires, hay in the spokes, and MOLD on the seat?
How about SAME DAY SERVICE? While the ‘other guys’ are taking your bike away for MONTHS?!?
send up an email with what you need, what store is closer, and we will tell you when to visit.
See the service guidelines that include: clean the bike, air the tires, and tag it with your name
We’re holding off on elective surgery, blinging out your bike, paint jobs, department store bikes, and e bike work
until peacetime returns and we have some help.
What happened?
Seven day weekends, bikes being great for being physically distant, stimulus checks, not to mention (arrggh)
the annual surge of procrastinators who all but forgot about us and their bikes during the off season when
we were friendly, needed, the money, and prices were better.
Looking forward to meeting you and your bikes!!

Built To Perform On The Toughest Of Terrains
We are taking your off-road cycling passion a step ahead. No matter how rough or steep the trails are, our bicycles are built with the latest technique and technology to go beyond the horizon and exceed your expectations every time. Our bikes are meticulously designed to ride well on the steep descents while their light weight makes your uphill journey a lot easier.

March 26-April 3, 2023
Fredericksburg, TX
Come join us for a week of epic rides, ultra-cycling seminars, friends, and fun culminating with the Longhorn 500 and Stampede 200.
Are you ready to expand your horizons? Your bicycle awaits you!

Free Test Ride
For an exciting ride, it is important to choose a bicycle that fits your height, riding style, and body’s flexibility well. Walk in to our bicycle shop for a demo-ride today!

A Bike Outfitted For You
Whether it is mountain bikes or comfy bikes, we resolve your cycling challenges with smart customizations and upgrade your bike to suit your riding needs and preferences.

Proven Technology For Commuting
At Mount Airy Bicycles, every cyclist gets a bike regardless of age or disability. Thanks to our advanced technology, we make every ride enjoyable, comfortable, and a lot easier.
Test Rides & Repairs: Because we have a smaller, focused professional staff and a smaller space than many shops, we suggest emailing or calling before visiting to test ride, especially in the off season, inclement weather, or for trikes, tandems, recumbent, and used bikes.Test rides should be completed at least 60 minutes before closing. Please arrive early enough to allow ample time for your test ride. Call or email if you need any special attention with late arrival.
Mt Airy Address
Mt Airy Bicycles
4540 Old National Pike (Rt. 144)
Mount Airy, MD 21771
Monday-Friday 10AM - 6PM
Saturday 10AM - 5PM
Closed Wednesday & Sundays
We provide lifetime service and warranty on most bikes. We will work with the manufacturer to get the best results for you.
Pet Friendly Store
"We have fresh water, snacks, a large shaded yard, and sometimes your new best friend - our greeter - Mitzi, a well-bred mutt.